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How & Why: I trade the Spoos using Weeklies — $ES_F
Well — the Spoos were able to rally out into the end of the day — and to end the week. If you missed the end of the trading session — you missed the final leg up and HOD for the session in the Spoos (ES). The title gives away todays “trading blog”… I trade […]
Paying to PLAY! Why I pay for PUTS!
Continuing on the conversation from yesterday’s post — The key is to ensure that you can set-up your risk in order to stay in your trade (long enough to validate your conviction)… That being said, if you are a retail trader (and most of us are), being long, long anything — You were tested today. […]
Too often people out trade / over trade themselves — and usually into losses… It’s not the market that beats them, its themselves! I have learned that myself in the past, but I am borrowing knowledge from Jesse Livermore as he is quoted in his unofficial biography Reminiscence of a Stock Operator. “The reason is […]
Late Post – Market is WON after-hours…
Spent a lot of time at the end of the session, doing some data mining, as well as : some good old fashioned charting and applicable middle school math. — Good trades or bad trades, I am always relieved when the market finally stops moving, and for futures, this doesn’t happen until 4:15pm ct. Today, […]
The Forgotten Investment: GOLD $GC_F $GLD
So… if you shorted Gold GC today, please stop reading this, you’re not welcome here! Ha… But seriously… As Crude Oil continues to work for me, and even if it is scary / not pretty, CL finding its way into the green again. YET — My focus is on the metals, and specifically in GC. […]
Still- hiding in Gold, but always Trading! *AND a late day fat finger!
Often times people end up either losing their minds, or their money, before a market finally turns their way. — from trial and error, I have learned and for now figured out, how to avoid both of those extremes. *That being said, I continue to learn more about the market each and every time I […]
Where do you hide? Markets in the RED.
What do you do on these days? Where can you hide? — Seriously, I’m asking for a friend ha… but, as most of us here are retail clients – (generally buying more than selling), — what do you do on these days? As the Major indices drop about -3% across the board in one session […]
Crude Oil… Shake and Bake. Third time’s the charm.
It isn’t often that I don’t see the “Sunday Futures Open”, but I was busy yesterday, and had dinner, and I couldn’t check them until a few hours in. But I checked them at dinner, of course, on the phone. — That being said, once I checked them, I was pretty aggressive to take advantage […]
Crude leads again, and I get pinned on the ES… What a week!
Well– I can’t say enough about the unbelievable performance and “justice” in the price of Crude Oil these past few days… I honestly can’t understand how we really fell this low in price (again), but at least during these last two sessions; the oil bulls have come out to rally. Front month Crude Oil (CL) […]
Crude Oil $CL_F — “Numbers don’t lie, People do”
I know… it may only be a one day event. So that being said— why not talk about it for a moment, since the futures are still not even closed, and hit a new high since 1:30 settlement. Yesterday I posted dumbfounded regarding “Why isn’t CL rallying?” – @toddgordontrade @KeeneOnMarket Trying to figure out! What […]