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How to Scalp Gamma and Put Probability In Your Favor

[Member Exclusive Webinar - new topic every Wednesday]

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Wednesday of each week, traders Andrew Keene and James Ramelli alternate in presenting new topics in informative sessions for active traders and self-directed investors.

These sessions are scheduled for 4:30 PM EST or 7:00 PM EST, with updates being sent prior to the event.

After a decade spent making markets on the Chicago Board Options Exchange floor, Keene started trading ‘upstairs’ in 2010.

Transitioning from trading ’open-outcry’ to the silent game of ‘keyboard and mouse’ online is not easy; there are countless stories of successful floor traders who gave back years of profits trying to trade online.

“No one on the floor ever looked at a chart,” says Keene, “I realized early on technical analysis was a must if was going to be profitable trading online.”